Sax & Songs - zum Original Sound.

mARTin singt und spielt live die grossen Welthits.

Great American Songs 1930 - 1960 from...

Frank Sinarta, Dean Martin, Michael Bublé, Louis Prima, Evis Presley, Ray Charles, Fats Domino,

Old Time Jazz 1920 - 1950 from...

Duke Ellington, George Gershwin, Cole Porter, Sindey Bechet, Count Basie, Fats Waller, Herbie Hancock,

Oldies for Entertainment and Fun 1960 - 1990 from... 

Sam Cooke, Robbie Williams, The Beatles, Tony Christie, Bill Haley, James Last, Herb Albert, Max Greger,

Specials for Special Moments...   

Älplerfründe Eggiwil, Ludwig van Beethoven.


Martin Blatter

Mobile: +41 79 376 13 73